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News & stories

New waste incineration plant in Ticino

The canton of Ticino is building a new plant for the thermal treatment of residential refuse in Giubiasco near Bellinzona. Two Alpiq Group companies,…

Energy efficiency

Efficiency is a key pillar of Switzerland's energy policy. Alpiq has long been promoting energy efficiency: the company is investing several hundreds…

Power for Aral petrol stations in Germany

Super service: Since 2007 Alpiq's partner EGT Energiehandel has been delivering some 1600 Aral petrol stations in Germany with bespoke electricity.…

Lots of positive human energy too


Linde: Electricity costs play a major role in the generation of technical gases

Our consultants help you to keep these costs to a minimum. For instance, at Linde: Historical data and experiences acquired during Linde's day-to-day…

Catenary system for speeds of 250 kph

Alpiq subsidiary Kummler+Matter AG is installing the catenary system in the 34.6 kilometer long Lötschberg tunnel: a highly complex project with tight…

Ecological generation of power and heat

KEB uses the latest environmentally-friendly technology to generate electricity and heat. Its power stations comply with all climate standards imposed…

Decontamination works

Retention ponds located at ECKG´s sewage lines were cleaned, and now the local creek is better protected against contamination from industrial…

Gestion de portefeuille pour un groupe industriel électro-intensif